Tag Archives: hypnosis to cure insomnia

Sleep Better – Hypnosis to Treat Insomnia


Recently I have I’ve found more and more people turn to hypnosis to treat insomnia at an almost alarming rate!  (S’cuse the terminology… Perhaps the word “alarm” is a little out of place on this topic) .. 😉

Joking aside, the truth is…  there are a ridiculous number of sleep deprived people among us; so exhausted they barely function… each and every day.  It’s almost scary really, particularly when you consider many of these sleep deprived individuals perform tasks such as.. driving and  operating heavy machinery… etc…

Sleep deprivation really sucks!!  Not only in general… but it sucks the life out of just about everything who battles the issue and definitely steals the joy.  The worst part is…insomnia is so difficult to overcome… and in many cases its really all because the brain has trained itself to start thinking, rehashing and dissecting everything under the sun the minute you get into bed…. particularly the stressful, worrisome topics… causing the inner cogs to spin at warp speed….

 What’s even  worse is the fact that the more your brain spins, the more you look at the clock… and when you look at the clock, you worry more because you know how brutal you’re going to feel the next day… and that makes you worry further still. 🙁

 Then….  as the clock ticks, you then tend become anxious about the fact you might actually fall asleep … and all of a sudden… there’s a complete reversal in the thought process as you then  strive to stay awake in case you don’t hear the alarm and sleep in. 

 This cycle gets worse and worse and as time goes on, becomes more frequent.  After a while, many people simply label themselves an ‘insomniac’ and succumb to the fact they just can’t sleep.  (and perhaps never will… with ease anyway).  

So how does one utilize hypnosis to treat insomnia? (You ask)

 Well the way Hypnosis/hypnotherapy works by retraining your brain to shut the heck up at the times you need to be ready for slumber.

During a hypnosis/hypnotherapy session, you will be taught relaxation techniques to help you  naturally wind down. When I work with people suffering from insomnia, I personally find it very effective to imbed post hypnotic suggestions in addition to other techniques… to cause you to perform a certain action or movement resulting in a feeling of calm and relaxation to assist you to drift off into a restful slumber. 

After a while, the subconscious mind will begin to associate your bed time routine with sawing logs ZZzzzz ZZzzzz allowing you to get the much deserved (and needed) shut eye to keep you bright and perky during the day instead of the other way around. 

I have actually had people tell me that Hypnotherapy has allowed them to get the sleep they haven’t had in years… so the results have been pretty amazing. 

 (urrgghh… can you imagine not sleeping in years??) 

If the answer is ‘yes’ and you are one of the unfortunate individuals afflicted with insomnia… contact me at any time… and lets get you tucked in!

I also work with online clients… so feel free to contact me either my telephone or the ‘contact me’ tab on this site. 

Night-Night, God Bless… and don’t let the bed bugs bite! 🙂